有一美女下夜班,被一好色男子尾随跟踪,美女很害怕,正好路过一片坟地, 好色男子正要下手, 美女走到一座坟墓前说:"爸爸,开门吧,我回来了"。吓的好色男子狂奔而去。
美女为自己的聪明得意地笑了起来,哪知笑声未落,从坟墓里传出一个阴森森的声音说:"闺女,你咋又忘记带钥匙了呢?"吓得美女尖叫著跑了。这时,一个盗墓者从坟墓里爬了出来,说:"影响我工作,吓死你"。突然发现墓碑前有一老者,手拿凿子在刻墓碑,就好奇地问:"你在干吗"?老者生气地说:"这些不肖子孙把我的墓碑都刻错了,只好自己来改啦"。盗墓者一听,吓得撒腿就跑了。看著盗墓者的背影,老者冷笑道:"跟老子抢生意,吓死你"。一不小心,凿子掉地上了,老者正要弯腰去拾,却看见从草丛中伸出一只手,同时还有个冷冰冰声音:" 啊,敢乱改我家的门牌号"。吓得老者连滚带爬地跑了。一个拾荒者从草丛中爬出来,捡起地上的凿子,感叹道:"这年头,捡块烂铁还得费这么大神。
祝天天快乐 ! 如果你笑了!让更多人分享这份快乐!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Be specific
All members of staff - please note that due to recession, there will only be one drink per person at this year's Annual Party.
And please bring your own cup!
And what happened at the annual party !!! (Scroll down)

The specifications were missing ! in the memo (size of cup).
Moral of the story:
Be very specific in your daily life including project work. Give specific specifications.
All members of staff - please note that due to recession, there will only be one drink per person at this year's Annual Party.
And please bring your own cup!
And what happened at the annual party !!! (Scroll down)

The specifications were missing ! in the memo (size of cup).
Moral of the story:
Be very specific in your daily life including project work. Give specific specifications.
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